55th Anniversary


W Logan

List of Toasts Proposed

I. The Queen; The Prince of Wales and Royal Family; Army, Navy and Volunteers

The Chairman

Capt McCosh replied for the Volunteers


Song. "Scots wha hae"

Mr Thomson

Song. "Rule Britannia"

Mr Cameron

II. Both Houses of Parliament

The Chairman

Song. "Britain, the Empress of the Wave

Mr Mitchell

III. The Memory of Burns

The Chairman

Song. "There was a Lad was born in Kyle"

Mr Thomson

Song. "Corn Rigs"

Mr Cameron

Song. "My love is like a red red rose"

Mr Mitchell

IV. The Memory of Jean Armour and the Descendants of the Poet

The Croupier

Song. "O' a' the airts"

Mr Logan

Song. (impromptu, with numerous humorous personal allusions)

"Sure a' this micht please ilka body "

Dr Kerr

V. Dramatic Literature, with Shakespeare

Dr Blair

Song. "A warrior bold"

Mr Thomson

Song. "My Janet and me"

Mr Beveridge

VI. Novelists, with Walter Scott

Dr Kerr

Song. "Hail to the Scot"

Mr Mitchell

Song. " Loudon's bonnie woods and braes "

Mr Cameron

VII. The Memory of Thomas Campbell

Mr Comrie

Song. "The meeting of the Waters"

Mr Cameron

VIII. The Historians

Mr Brown

Song. "Drinking Drams"

Dr Kerr

IX. Deceased Members

Mr Stirrat

Song. "The Land o' the Leal"

Mr Mitchell

Song. "A wee drappie o't"

Mr Logan

X. Industrial and Commercial Interests

Rev Mr Blair

Song. "Tom Bowling"

Mr Cameron

XI. The Biographers of Burns

Mr Frew

Song. "The Lass o' Ballochmyle"

Rev Mr Blair

XII. Irish Poets, with Moore

Mr Gray

Song. "Boyne Water"

Mr Logan

XIII. The Young Members

Dr Blair

Mr John Howie replied


Song. "Hieland-Whisky's strong"

Dr Kerr

This highly successful Meeting was brought to a close after the usual complimentary Toasts of "The Chairman" , "Croupier" and "Mine Host of the Turf" 


Members Present

William Logan, Schoolmaster (Chairman)

Andrew Aitken (Croupier)

James McKie, Publisher, Kilmarnock

David Brown, Printer

J S Frew, Cashier, Blair Iron Works

John Fulton, Bridgend Mills

David Beveridge, Contractor

Dr Kerr, H M Inspector of Schools

James Stirrat, Grain Merchant

Thomas Craig, Merchant

Dr Blair

Robert Roger, Grocer

Daniel Cameron, Contractor, Auchinleck

William Mitchell, Precentor in West Church

Alexander Comrie, Inspector

William Thomson, Ironmonger

James M McCosh, Banker

Jno Paton, "Mine Host" of the Turf

James White, Kilwinning

New Members

Walter Morrison, Teacher, Townend School

Mr Deans, Teacher, Kersland Barony School

Rev George Blair, Assistant to Dr Stevenson

Thomas Cochrane, Merchant

John Howie, Braehead

24 Members