42nd Anniversary


Dr A Blair

List of Toasts Proposed

I. The Queen

The Chairman

II. Prince of Wales and Royal Family

The Chairman

Song. "God save the Queen" by the Company, led by

Mr Cameron

III. Both Houses of Parliament

The Chairman

IV. Army and Navy

The Chairman

Song. "Rule Britannia"

Mr Cameron

V. The Volunteers with Capt Paton

Mr Stirrat

Capt. Paton responded


Song. "I dreamt I dwelt in a Cobbler's Stall"

A Hamilton

VI. The Memory of Burns

The Chairman

Song. "Corn Rigs"

Mr Cameron

VII. The Family of the Poet

The Croupier

Song. "Happy we've been a' thegither"

Allan Loudon

VIII. Deceased Members

Hugh Morris

Song. "Glasses sparkle oin the board"

Hugh Morris

Song. "The Nocturnal Rambler"

Alexander Hamilton

IX. Dramatic Literature, with Shakespeare

Dr Sloan

Song. "Tom Bowling"

Mr Cameron

Song. "Parody on Shakespeare's Seven Ages"

Hugh Morris

X. The Historians, with Sir Archd. Alison

Mr McCowan

XI. The Deceased Novelists, with Scott

Mr A Comrie

Song. "My wife has ta'en the gie"

Daniel Campbell

Song. "Thunder Blunder"

James White

XII. English Poets, with Tennyson

Captain Paton

Song. "Anything to earn a Crust"

Alexr. Hamilton

XIII. Irish Poets with Moore

James Stirrat

Song. "The meeting of the waters"

Mr Cameron

XIV. American Poets with Edgar Allan Poe

J Young

Song. "Green grow the Rashes, O"

Allan Loudon

XV. The Memory of Tannahill

Hugh Morris

Song. "Thou Bonnie Wood o' Craigielea"

W Hamilton

Song. "Gloomy winter's noo awa'"

Mr Cameron

XVI. The Song Writers with Mr Logan of Kilbirnie, the compiler of these records

The Chairman

Song. "Loudon's Bonnie Woods and Braes"

Mr Cameron

Song. "The Lowbacked Car"

Alexr. Hamilton

XVII. The Biographers of Burns

David Brown

Song. "Gipsy Jane"

Mr Stirrat

XVIII. The Young Members with Mr McDougall

The Chairman

Song. "Allister McAllister"

James McNair

Mr McDougall responded


XIX. The Chairman

The Croupier

Song. "The Young May Moon"

Allan Loudon

The Chairman replied

Dr Sloan

Song. "I'll tell thee the hour"

The Chairman

XX. The Croupier's Health

The Chairman

The Croupier replied


Song. "When we were at the Schule"

Mr John Young

Song. "Paddy's Wedding"

Dr Sloan

Song. "A Comic Medley"

Mr Alexander Hamilton

XXI. Mine Host

The Chairman

Mr Campbell replied


Song. "A Dutch Chorus"

The Company

XXII. The Parting Toast

The Chairman

The Company then joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne" when "each took off his several way"



Members Present

Dr Blair, Dalry, Chairman

Alexander Comrie, Dalry, Croupier

William Hamilton, Contractor, Dalry

Dr Sloan

Hugh Morris, Dalry

Daniel Cameron, Contractor, Dalry

James McNair

James White, Kilwinning

Alexander Hamilton

David Brown

Daniel Campbell

Allan Loudon, Dalry

John Young, Watchmaker, Dalry and Glasgow

William McCowan, Cashier, Blair Iron Works, Dalry

Capt. Paton, Hillend

James Stirrat, Banker

Duncan McDougall, Draper, Dalry

17 Members