100th Anniversary


23rd January, 1925

The Two Oldest Members Presided

Andrew Aitken

Andrew C Patrick

List of Toasts Proposed

I. The King

The Chairman

"God save the King"

The Company

II. The Queen, the Queen Mother, Prince of Wales and other Members of the Royal Family

The Chairman

Solo & Chorus "God bless the Prince of Wales"

Mr Holburn

III. The Imperial Forces

Mr N H Cosh

Chorus "Rule Britannia"

The Company


Col John Gow

IV. Houses of Parliament

Mr George Houston

V. The Memory of Burns

The Chairman

Song "There was a lad"

Mr R Holburn

VI. The Memory of Jean Armour

The Croupier

Song "O' a' the airts"

Mr W W Boyd

VII. Burns Clubs

Dr W M Brown

Song "Lea Rig"

Mr John Fairley

VIII. Sir Walter Scott

Mr John MacNicol

Violin Selection

Dr James Angus

IX. Land o' Cakes

Mr Hugh Shedden

Recitation "The Haggis"

Mr John MacNicol

Recitation - Parody Thereon

Mr G Houston

X. Song Writers

Mr A R Cunningham

Song "Bonnie wee thing"

Mr John Fairley

XI. Our Guests

Mr J D Gordon


Capt Calderwood

Song "My Love is like a red, red rose"

Capt Calderwood

XII. Young Members

Mr H Cunningham


Mr James Walker

Song "A wee drappie o't"

Mr R Holburn

Song "Old Scots"

Mr D Tait Jnr

XIII. Deceased Members

Mr W C Conn

Song "Land o' the Leal"

Mr J Fairley

XIV. Croupier

The Chairman

Song "Glen Worple"

Maj J W G Willison

XV. Chairman

The Croupier

"Auld Lang Syne"

The Company


Members Present

Andrew Aitken (Chairman) (1874)

Andrew C Patrick (Croupier) (1877)

John Gow (1887)

George Houston (1898)

Robert Howie (1898)

Dr W Mackenzie Brown (1899)

Hugh Shedden (1903)

James D Gordon (1904)

Hugh Cunningham (1908)

Dr W D Walker (1907)

James Harvie (1909)

Neil H Cosh (1910)

William W Boyd (1911)

D Jeffrey Aitken (1912)

Wm Conn (1912)

James Jackson (1913)

Robert Holburn (1914)

Andrew Henderson (1915)

Charles Pickles (1915)

William Wilson (1916)

John Fairley (1916)

Alexander Archibald (1919)

William N Pratt (1919)

John Rodger (1919)

John McDonald (1920)

George S Robb (1920)

John McCartney (1923)

George N Forsyth (1923)

Daniel Tait Jnr (1924)

William Allan (1924)

Dr James Angus (1925)

James Walker (1925)

Hugh Cunningham (1908)

Capt W Calderwood, Guest of Mr Conn

35 Members 1 Guest

Acquisition of Houston's Turf Inn